
Drops can be created from other resources, containing a variety of items and utilising a custom label (instead of 'Drop 32648').

exports.ox_inventory:CustomDrop(prefix, items, coords, slots, maxWeight, instance, model)
  • prefix: string
  • items: table
    • name: string
    • count: number
    • metadata?: table
  • coords: vector3
  • slots?: number
  • maxWeight?: number
  • instance?: string or number
  • model?: number
-- Create a generic drop with a marker
exports.ox_inventory:CustomDrop('Carcass', {
    {'meat', 5, { grade = 2, type = 'deer' }},
    {'hide', 5, { grade = 2, type = 'deer' }}
}, coords)
-- Create a drop with an entity
exports.ox_inventory:CustomDrop('SMG', {
    { 'WEAPON_MINISMG', 1 },
    { 'ammo-9', 69 },
}, GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(1)), 5, 10000, nil, `w_sb_minismg`)